940010.TXT 13,114 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #10 Antenna pre-amp design. Help! digital readout using freq counter? digital readout using freq counter? digital readout using freq counter? ICF-2010: adding filter, mods? Help! mods for Sony ICF-2010 (2001D)? Power Supply Question want to build reciever for 108-137Mhz XTAL source needed Re: IBM-PC Shareware for PCB Photo work
940013.TXT 14,314 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #13 Antenna pre-amp design. Help! Antenna Tuner Project Advice Needed Crazy VFO digital readout using freq counter? Electronics parts stores in DC area IBM-PC Shareware for PCB Photo work T-368 exciter successfully transistorized! want to build reciever for 108-137Mhz XTAL source needed Re: XTAL source needed
940014.TXT 14,881 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #14 Antenna Tuner Project Advice Needed Crazy VFO Crazy VFO HF circuit advice needed High Voltage Power Supply High Voltage Power Supply Tuner modules (Have you seen any?) Using ICOM filters in SONY ICF-2010/2001D? XTAL source needed Re: IBM-PC Shareware for PCB Photo work Re: Antenna pre-amp design. Help! Re: IBM-PC Shareware for PCB Photo work
940015.TXT 22,105 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #15 Antenna pre-amp design. Help! Antenna Tuner Project Advice Needed High Voltage Power Supply Old Radio Elec/Pop Elec Magazines Oscillators using MMIC's Amps PROJECT 14: THE WORLD'S SMALLEST TRANSMITTER PROJECT 14: THE WORLD'S SMALLEST TRANSMITTER Reciprocal mixing at 25 kHz, ICF-2010 Help! Reciprocal mixing at 25 kHz, ICF-2010 Help! spot my transistor. The World's Smallest Receiver want to build reciever for 108-137Mhz Re: Antenna pre-amp design. Help!
940017.TXT 13,050 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #17 Antenna pre-amp design. Help! Build a simple 49 mhz reciever? IC info "042P" IC Info, "042P" IC info "042P" Mail-order toroids, RF transistors, Help! Mystery components? Help? PROJECT 14: THE WORLD'S SMALLEST TRANSMITTER VLF/ELF W7ZOI Progressive Receiver Re: High Voltage Power Supply Re: IBM-PC Shareware for PCB Photo work
940018.TXT 11,803 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #18 High Voltage Power Supply Mystery components? Help? Mystery components? Help? Mystery components? Help? Mystery components? Help? new Radio Communications mailing list Old Microwave Oven PROJECT 14: THE WORLD'S SMALLEST TRANSMITTER VLF/ELF Schematics CAD, anyone?
940019.TXT 17,488 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #19 High Voltage Power Supply IC Info, "042P" Microphones & motorcycle helmets Mystery components? Help? Old Microwave Oven Questions on 2m Amp Market Ramsey 6m radion front end tuneing Schematics CAD, anyone? Variable capacitors and fundamental xtals, help! Re: Mystery components? THANKS! Re: want to build reciever for 108-137Mhz
940025.TXT 6,746 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #25 2m/70cm linear - circuit wanted QRP shopping list Re: Schematics CAD, anyone? Re: 2m/70cm linear - circuit wanted
940026.TXT 16,330 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #26 2m/70cm linear - circuit wanted BALUN FOR 2-M YAGI Microphones & motorcycle helmets Project #15: A Spark-Gap Transmitter QRP shopping list QRP shopping list QRP shopping list Transceiver headset Varactor tuned VFOs Varactor tuned VFOs Yaesu MH-29 speaker/mike audio levels Re: 2m/70cm linear - circuit wanted
940027.TXT 20,068 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #27 Aluminium code practice oscillator DDS Anyone? Glue v wax Glue v wax Help: I need a Z8 compiler! MAKING COILS FOR HF Securing VXO coils, what glue? Varactor tuned VFOs Varactor tuned VFOs
940028.TXT 7,985 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #28 100hz tone board 100hz tone board Aluminium Power supply design questions (sort of long) Power supply design questions (sort of long) Securing VXO coils, what glue? spot my transistor.
940030.TXT 10,100 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #30 A few more (different) questions! Antenna help.. DDS Anyone? Question about Super Dual-Band J-Pole Re: Varactor tuned VFOs Re: DDS Anyone?
940031.TXT 14,721 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #31 A few more (different) questions! A few more (different) questions! Antenna help.. Good substitute for 1N23 as noise source? Good substitute for 1N23 as noise source? Help: I need a Z8 compiler! Pkt satellite receiver card for PC? Question about Super Dual-Band J-Pole Usenet MC What test equipment do you use?
940034.TXT 13,767 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #34 Frequency doubler design, help, VFO. gasFETs for preamps homebrew SSB xtal filters Laser jammer wanted Motorola 1470A: can it be modified for 2meter band? Power supply design questions (sort of long) Surface-mount technology? Valvo GmbH What test equipment do you use? Re: homebrew SSB xtal filters
940035.TXT 19,284 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #35 Car power jack Frequency doubler design, help, VFO Frequency doubler design, help, VFO. Good substitute for 1N23 as noise source? Good substitute for 1N23 as noise source? homebrew SSB xtal filters RF Power Amp stages, design. Help needed! Valvo GmbH VHF Lo/High Bander-possible? WANTER: Phil Karn's KA9q functions in C What test equipment do you use? What test equipment do you use?
940037.TXT 7,335 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #37 Homemade balun, unknown toroid material. Help! One more question!!!!!!! What test equipment do you use? What test equipment do you use?
940038.TXT 11,501 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #38 Advice, please, re 12V Battery Supply in Shack Advice, please, re 12V Battery Supply in Shack homebrew SSB xtal filters Homemade balun, unknown toroid material. Help! Laser jammer wanted Looking for Motorola VHF power transistor sources Need mic wiring info for Icom W2A... Subscribe? What test equipment do you use? Re: What test equipment do you use? Re: Laser jammer wanted
940040.TXT 1,410 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #40 What test equipment do you use?
940041.TXT 9,075 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #41 Advice, please, re 12V Battery Supply in Shack How about VHF MOSFET's for 2-meter amp? How about VHF MOSFET's for 2-meter amp? How about VHF MOSFET's for 2-meter amp? Looking for sources of ferrite rod What test equipment do you use? Where is Dan's Small Parts?
940042.TXT 16,485 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #42 [Q] COLLINS KWM-380 Yaesu ST7000 Advice, please, re 12V Battery Supply in Shack Challenge: Cheapest (least expensive) homebrew 2m voice rig CRYSTAL SOCKETS Forming inductors out of PCB traces question How about VHF MOSFET's for 2-meter amp? How about VHF MOSFET's for 2-meter amp? How to measure low power @ VHF & above. How to measure low power @ VHF & above. How to measure low power @ VHF & above. Looking for sources of ferrite rod Paralleling Power Diodes ? where to get xtal sockets?
940043.TXT 14,270 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #43 Challenge: Cheapest (least expensive) homebrew 2m voice rig How about VHF MOSFET's for 2-meter amp? How to measure low power @ VHF & above. How to measure low power @ VHF & above. Paralleling Power Diodes ? S-Band converter design Where is Dan's Small Parts? where to get xtal sockets? Re: Good substitute for 1N23 as noise source? Re: gasFETs for preamps Re: What test equipment do you use?
940044.TXT 7,330 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #44 Challenge: Cheapest (least expensive) homeb Fcc Refulations. Voltage Regulator questions What test equipment do you use? What test equipment do you use?
940046.TXT 5,411 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #46 Forming inductors out of PCB traces question Forming inductors out of PCB traces question linear amp?? linear amp?? Looking for Motorola VHF power transistor sources
940047.TXT 8,365 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #47 50uA Meters - Help from Dayton? Comments on TAPR-2 board? Looking for Lex... Paralleling Power Diodes ? Paralleling Power Diodes ? Want to obtain a very cheap high gain antenna Want to obtain a very cheap high gain antenna
940048.TXT 16,349 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #48 Comments on TAPR-2 board? Help understanding FM and SSB Impedance matching prob.-AM carr. current Looking for a keyboard for a HaL Telereader Looking for Lex... Looking for Lex... Looking for sources of ferrite rod Radio 20m Travel Radio Re: How to measure low power @ VHF & above. Re: Challenge: Cheapest (least expensive) homeb
940049.TXT 19,276 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #49 FM BROADCAST BAND RF AMP FM BROADCAST BAND RF AMP FM BROADCAST BAND RF AMP FM BROADCAST BAND RF AMP FM BROADCAST BAND RF AMP Help understanding FM and SSB inductors etched on pcbs Looking for sources of ferrite rod low voltage Solid State relays Series Diodes (was Re: Paralleling Power Diodes ?) Series Diodes (was Re: Paralleling Power Diodes ?) Source for "heat Diodes/Semi's" ? Want to obtain a very cheap high gain antenna Re: Challenge: Cheapest (least expensive) homeb
940050.TXT 16,037 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #50 Converting cheap-o walkie-talkies (stabilizing crystals?) Converting cheap-o walkie-talkies (stabilizing crystals?) GPS Receiver Boards Looking for a keyboard for a HaL Telereader Paralleling Power Diodes ? Series Diodes (was Re: Paralleling Power Di Series Diodes (was Re: Paralleling Power Di Series Diodes (was Re: Paralleling Power Diodes ?) Series Diodes (was Re: Paralleling Power Diodes ?) Source for "heat Diodes/Semi's" ?
940051.TXT 9,839 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #51 50uA Meters - Help from Dayton? GPS Receiver Boards GPS Receiver Boards Series Diodes (was Re: Paralleling Power Di Tuner-tuner Vertical Antenna?? Want to obtain a very cheap high gain antenna
940052.TXT 8,041 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #52 GPS Receiver Boards Help understanding FM and SSB Looking for Lex... Need info on Toshiba TC571000D-20 EPROM Power FET Gate Modulation - Need Info Ramsey SA-7 broadband preamp Tuner-tuner
940054.TXT 4,732 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #54 DSP filtering for data communications Using switcher PS for 12 volt HF rig power?
940055.TXT 17,346 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #55 Center Tap RF transf.?WHERE? charging battery pak FM BROADCAST BAND RF AMP Making LEX work... microwave oven magnitron transmiters microwave oven magnitron transmiters Question: Capacitor types?? Reducing Tube Filament Voltage Tuner-tuner Using switcher PS for 12 volt HF rig power? Using switcher PS for 12 volt HF rig power? Using switcher PS for 12 volt HF rig power? Re: GPS Receiver Boards Re: GPS Receiver Boards
940057.TXT 8,253 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #57 Alliance 5-wire Rotor Motor Questions Best cars for mobile HF/VHF?? Converting cheap-o walkie-talkies (stabilizing crystals?) PC or old Mac conversion to oscilloscopes Testing for very low magnetic fields? Testing for very low magnetic fields? Testing for very low magnetic fields? Re: GPS Receiver Boards
940059.TXT 9,182 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #59 Best cars for mobile HF/VHF?? Classified Ads (was Re: For sale: 1300 nm (IR) laser diodes) Duplexer design info? Looking for plans/kits..VHF CW/SSB QRP Ramsey SA-7 broadband preamp Two Unknown Chips Re: GPS Receiver Boards Re: GPS Receiver Boards
940060.TXT 17,130 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #60 Best cars for mobile HF/VHF?? Best truck/sport util for HF/VHF? Cubic incher Duplexer design info? home-built crystal filter - it works! HP components Info on James Knights Xtal/oven Looking For Plans/kits..vhf Cw/ssb Qrp Ramsey Hobbykits QAMP. Series Diodes (was Re: Paralleling ...) Two Unknown Chips Two Unknown Chips TX amp kit? Help. WEFAX converter Re: S-Band converter design Re: Looking for plans/kits..VHF CW/SSB QRP
940062.TXT 2,789 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #62 Capacitor code (NOT color code) Capacitor code (NOT color code)
940063.TXT 19,411 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #63 DMM help! DMM help! DMM help! fm transmitter Guide to the Personal Radio Newsgroups How to fix a flaky HP612A Signal Generator? list Meter Shunts, etc TX Amp for 20 mtrs QRP rigs.
940064.TXT 19,341 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #64 ACS (Al's Circuit Simulator) version 0.13 is available Capacitor code (NOT color code) Capacitor code (NOT color code) Capacitor code (NOT color code) DDS Projects DMM help! DMM help! DMM help! DMM help! Meter Shunts, etc Meter Shunts, etc Re: Capacitor code (NOT color code) Re: Capacitor code (NOT color code)
940065.TXT 11,578 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #65 Best cars for mobile HF/VHF?? Crystal Filter Design program & details Meter Shunts, etc Plans for DCD-3105 board
940066.TXT 18,126 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #66 10-50KHZ Tranceivers ??? Capacitor code (NOT color code) Capacitor code (NOT color code) Converting CB to 10 meters Meter Shunts, etc Meter Shunts, etc Meter Shunts, etc QRP Designs Whats the loss across a BNC to PL259 ? Whats the loss across a BNC to PL259 ? Whats the loss across a BNC to PL259 ? Re: QRP Designs Re: QRP Designs Re: Capacitor code (NOT color code)
940067.TXT 9,270 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #67 Circuit simulation software for teaching Packet on old Military Radios Packet on old Military Radios Parasitic oscillations, help! QSKing an AMP Small correction to XFILTER.BAS posted yesterday TX Amp for 20 mtrs QRP rigs. Whats the loss across a BNC to PL259 ? Re: QRP Designs
940069.TXT 18,082 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #69 Best cars for mobile HF/VHF?? Best cars for mobile HF/VHF?? COMPUTER AS A REPEATER CONTROLLER Converting CB to 10 meters Converting CB to 10 meters DownEast Kits ?? Meter Shunts, etc Meter Shunts, etc Parasitic oscillations, help! Series Diodes (was Re: Paralleling Power Di Simple Tx/Rx? Simple Tx/Rx? Update on 'Magazine - Mechanix Illustrated, 1930s, Crystal Set' Re: Converting CB to 10 meters
940070.TXT 12,512 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #70 Circuit simulation software for teaching How to make a Phonepatche? Need Dayton room QSK Simple Tx/Rx? What is third order intercept ? Whats the loss across a BNC to PL259 ?
940071.TXT 12,171 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #71 Help with trap dipole Info wanted: ICOM IC2A 2m HT Kenwood (TS-850) Computer Interface Info Wanted list Parts sources and where to find HF coils/coil forms QSK QSK What is third order intercept ? What is third order intercept ?
940072.TXT 14,877 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #72 2m linear using a pair of 4CX100A's- Help!!! advice fm advice fm Component Databooks ? Kenwood (TS-850) Computer Interface Info Wanted Kenwood (TS-850) Computer Interface Info Wanted Noise figure/transistors QSKing an AMP Simple Tx/Rx? What is third order intercept ?
940077.TXT 5,101 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #77 Digital Frequency Synthesizer QST 4/84 & 2/85 How to do PSK demodulation? How to receive FM subcarrier signals IC 2A
940078.TXT 20,798 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #78 B+ transformers B+ transformers B+ transformers B+ transformers clo How phasing SSB Exciters Work (Was: RF and AF speech processors) How phasing SSB Exciters Work (Was: RF and AF speech processors) How to do PSK demodulation? RF VHF/UHF Preamp Design Params. Semiconductor specs and equivalencies Weather observations
940080.TXT 5,962 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #80 Building WWV time decoder Ramsey kits Semiconductor specs and equivalencies
940082.TXT 9,943 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #82 B+ transformers frog people from mars (not the ones from venus How to do PSK demodulation? Toner for circuit boards B+ transformers (DEFINITIVE ANSWER!)
940085.TXT 6,845 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #85 ** FLEA at MIT ** Sunday 17 April Cambridge MA Re: How to do PSK demodulation? Re: How to do PSK demodulation? Re: How to do PSK demodulation?
940086.TXT 11,884 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #86 <none> <none> advice fm advice fm How phasing SSB Exciters Work (Was: RF and AF speech processors) Re: How to do PSK demodulation? Re: How phasing SSB Exciters Work (Was: RF and AF speech processors)
940087.TXT 12,130 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #87 advice fm G QRP CLUB AT DAYTON Power meter RADIOKIT Re: How to do PSK demodulation? Re: advice fm Re: How to do PSK demodulation?
940088.TXT 6,723 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #88 2 meter transverter for HR 2600?? 2 meter transverter for HR 2600?? PIN diodes cause IMD in front end? QRP-linear for HW-7? radiokit
940090.TXT 6,825 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #90 Cheap skate DDS HELP : Apartment Antenna System HomeBrew FT Site How phasing SSB Exciters Work (Was: RF and AF speech processors) PIN diodes cause IMD in front end? QRP Magazines like SPRAT, etc.
940092.TXT 7,955 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #92 Directly plotting etch-resist on PC boards? Fixing HV supply on 'scope Modifying Vacuum Variables Ramsey kits Re: Directly plotting etch-resist on PC boards?
940093.TXT 26,050 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #93 2 meter transverter for HR 2600?? Cheap skate DDS Directly plotting etch-resist on PC boards? Frequency Counter Circuit Mod How phasing SSB Exciters Work (Was: RF and AF speech processors) PIN diodes & feedthru caps, WHERE? PIN diodes & feedthru caps, WHERE? Small (1-5 watt?) AM transmitter. Small (1-5 watt?) AM transmitter.clo Summary: adaptive denoising filters for voice adaptive denoising filters for voice Re: adaptive denoising filters for voice Re: adaptive denoising filters for voice Re: adaptive denoising filters for voice Re: Directly plotting etch-resist on PC boards?
940094.TXT 8,379 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #94 Definition of "ripple" in filters? Morse Code for links... (was Notch filters and audio...) Notch filters and audio q PIN diodes & feedthru caps, WHERE? Trigonal Beam
940095.TXT 15,538 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #95 Directly plotting etch-resist on PC boards? Directly plotting etch-resist on PC boards? Eprom 27C512 with access time of 120 ns Feed-thru caps Intermodulation and Switching Diodes Notch filters and audio q Small (1-5 watt?) AM transmitter. Small (1-5 watt?) AM transmitter. Re: Cheap skate DDS
940096.TXT 11,157 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #96 Directly plotting etch-resist on PC boards? Green Card Lottery- Final One? MRF 472 Device Data Small (1-5 watt?) AM transmitter. Small (1-5 watt?) AM transmitter.clo Re: Directly plotting etch-resist on PC boards? Re: Cheap skate DDS
940097.TXT 15,340 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #97 Antique radio and gramophone restoration Ctr Fed ZEP length? Ctr Fed ZEP length? Ctr Fed ZEP length? Definition of "ripple" in filters? Directly plotting etch-resist on PC boards? Directly plotting etch-resist on PC boards? Directly plotting etch-resist on PC boards? Frequency Counter Circuit Mod Green Card Lottery- Final One? Green Card Lottery- Final One? Re: Directly plotting etch-resist on PC boards?
940098.TXT 11,209 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #98 - RAMSEY PROBLEMS - HELP - Directly plotting etch-resist on PC boards? HELP : DSP FM transmitter/receiver Modifying VHF business band radio for ham use Output power measurement Output power measurement POWER TRANSFORMER HELP NEEDED!!! R2 T2 pcb source wanted Tubes wanted Re: Directly plotting etch-resist on PC boards?
940100.TXT 2,781 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #100 what can cause chirp in homebrew CW transmitter? Re: Modifying VHF business band radio for ham use
940101.TXT 5,818 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #101 peanut-sized tubes info pls. QRP Help R2 T2 pcb source wanted Wanted: TNC plans or kit what can cause chirp in homebrew CW transmitter?
940102.TXT 5,861 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #102 Chirp in a CW transmitter ? Chirp in a CW transmitter... LTC-1099 A-D Converter LTC-1099 A-D Converter Searching for 450 MHz Power transistor ! Source for Piston Trimmer Caps ?
940103.TXT 10,295 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #103 cheap 6-meters? HELP!! Looking for info on Kenwood TR-7625 RF sensing T/R switch Spec sheets needed for Sony, NPC... Varactor diodes Varactor diodes Wanted: TNC plans or kit Re: Frequency Counter Circuit Mod
940104.TXT 2,814 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #104 HELP!! Looking for info on Kenwood TR-7625
940105.TXT 4,792 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #105 - RAMSEY PROBLEMS - HELP - Frequency Counter Circuit Mod peanut-sized tubes info pls.
940106.TXT 5,127 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #106 12V pwr adapters dtmf decoder chips- who makes a good one? Ethernet coax antenna feed? How to build a FH xmitter/rcvr pair? mail list Re: Ramsey kits
940107.TXT 8,421 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #107 Ethernet coax antenna feed? POLICE BBS Ramsey responsive (was Re: Ramsey kits) RF sensing T/R switch Source for Piston Trimmer Caps ? what can cause chirp in homebrew CW transmitter?
940108.TXT 12,422 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #108 811A Tube availability? Comments on the new OHR "Classic" 20/40 meter QRP transceiver? Comments on the new OHR "Classic" 20/40 meter QRP transceiver? dtmf decoder chips- who makes a good one? Ethernet coax antenna feed? Ethernet coax antenna feed? POWER TRANSFORMER HELP NEEDED!!! QRP neswwsgroup Source for Piston Trimmer Caps ? Source for Piston Trimmer Caps ? What can cause chirp in homebrew CW transmitter?
940109.TXT 12,463 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #109 cheap keyer?? Comments on the new OHR "Classic" 20/40 meter QRP transceiv Direction Finder Direction Finder Ethernet coax antenna feed? Ethernet coax antenna feed? Fixing HV supply on 'scope Output power measurement RS232 help RS232 help TI 320C26 DSP Eval Kit Trimmer Caps
940111.TXT 5,631 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #111 digital RF Broadcasts HELP! Recomend signal processing book QRP Newsgroup Wanted : Back issue of 73 Mag. (Sept. 1993) Where can I find assortments of tiny metric fasteners? Where can I find assortments of tiny metric fasteners?
940113.TXT 15,729 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #113 Help with ATV antenna tuning, UHF SWR meter advice, general ATV stuff? Liquid state??? Liquid state??? R2 T2 pcb source wanted Screen voltage on 4CX250B's: One more question... Screen voltage on 4CX250B's: One more question... Vertical yagi mounting Vertical yagi mounting
940114.TXT 6,839 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #114 Adjusting vertical polarization of yagi digital RF Broadcasts TEK RADIO.....where? Vertical yagi mounting
940115.TXT 2,806 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #115 digital RF Broadcasts
940117.TXT 16,377 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #117 Help with Homemade Capacitors Newbie code Practice receiver -- feasible? Newbie code Practice receiver -- feasible? Newbie code Practice receiver -- feasible? Newbie code Practice receiver -- feasible? Newbie code Practice receiver -- feasible? Periodic Announcement - ARRL Email Information Server (info@arrl.org) Vertical yagi mounting
940118.TXT 11,006 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #118 FTP site with 16,000 CIRCUIT references matter covers just about every field, including RF, audio, Idea, 10-10 members.... index R2 T2 pcb source wanted Screen voltage on 4CX250B's: One more question... SEARCHING FOR LOW POWER FM TRANSMITTER for BROADCAST BAND SEARCHING FOR LOW POWER FM TRANSMITTER for BROADCAST BAND Vertical yagi mounting
940119.TXT 14,042 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #119 *<NE 5534 PINOUT DIAGRAMS>* Anyone interested in talking about frequency standards? FTP site with 16,000 CIRCUIT references Help with Homemade Capacitors Please report from DAYTON Screen Supply for 4cx250B SEARCHING FOR LOW POWER FM TRANSMITTER for BROADCAST BAND Vertical yagi mounting Vertical yagi mounting Yagi detuning due to mast
940120.TXT 16,246 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #120 *<NE 5534 PINOUT DIAGRAMS>* Anyone interested in talking about frequency standards? European Phone Line Specs??? Fox Hole Radios Fox Hole Radios Help with ATV antenna tuning, UHF SWR meter advice, general ATV stuff? Making CW with a CB rig? rheostats rheostats SEARCHING FOR LOW POWER FM TRANSMITTER for BROADCAST BAND SEARCHING FOR LOW POWER FM TRANSMITTER for BROADCAST BAND Vertical yagi mounting Wanted : Cheap, available varacter diode source
940121.TXT 10,680 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #121 Help w\'RF Design' Magazine article 1/88 issue Making CW with a CB rig? Newbie code Practice receiver -- feasible? Returned mail: User unknown (fwd) Returned mail: User unknown Re: ALC Adjustments to enable QRP (fwd) rheostats SEARCHING FOR LOW POWER FM TRANSMITTER for BROADCAST BAND Wanted : Cheap, available varacter diode source Re: Vertical yagi mounting
940122.TXT 20,573 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #122 Build Hi-Pwr SS Linear DC-100 Mhz VCO Chip MOSFET Power Amp Schematics/Info ??? says it all for the most part. Toying with the idea of building rheostats RTTY with regular modem? SUMMARY: Texas Instruments Speech Chip Uses Vertical yagi mounting Wanted : info and/or tutorial on the use of varactor diodes Re: Newbie code Practice receiver -- feasible?
940123.TXT 7,052 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #123 DC-100 Mhz VCO Chip DC-100 Mhz VCO Chip diode ring detector with smd's? EEPROM info ? Metal-Encased Mica Caps RTTY with regular modem?
940124.TXT 13,351 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #124 *****Ideas sought for a 400MHz oscillator design***** *****Ideas sought for a 400MHz oscillator design***** diode ring detector with smd's? Help w\'RF Design' Magazine article 1/88 issue Making CW with a CB rig? Metal-Encased Mica Caps MOSFET Power Amp Schematics/Info ??? MOSFET Power Amp Schematics/Info ??? Re: Newbie code Practice receiver -- feasible?
940125.TXT 11,506 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #125 *****Ideas sought for a 400MHz oscillator design***** LED Replacement - FT5200 MOSFET Power Amp Schematics/Info ??? MOSFET Power Amp Schematics/Info ??? MOSFET Power Amp Schematics/Info ??? MOSFET Power Amp Schematics/Info ??? Need Help with homebrew repeater design Re: TI 320C26 DSP Eval Kit
940126.TXT 8,938 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #126 INSTRUCTION/OPERATORS MANUALS up for grabs: MOSFET Power Amp Schematics/Info ??? , with regard to driving class-D/E DMOS FET stages. Need info about packet Ham Radio - FAQ anywhere? UHF Power amps. UHF Push/Pull design ? Wanted : Cheap, available varacter diode source
940128.TXT 12,005 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #128 *****Ideas sought for a 400MHz oscillator design***** Metal-Encased Mica Caps MOSFET Power Amp Schematics/Info ??? Newbie code Practice receiver -- feasib Philips "Dream Machine" 8XC750 design contest Receiver Sony ICF-SW7600 Mod Re: UHF Push/Pull design ?
940129.TXT 20,404 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #129 80 Nanosecond Access EPROM - 27C512 European Phone Line Specs??? GOPHER archives for rec.radio.amateur.[antenna|homebrew],QRP -threaded articles from the above mentioned topics can be read Help w\'RF Design' Magazine article 1/88 issue Philips "Dream Machine" 8XC750 design contest Philips "Dream Machine" 8XC750 design contest Receiver Sony ICF-SW7600 Mod Receiver Sony ICF-SW7600 Mod SEARCHING FOR LOW POW Ten-Tec 1208 transverter kit - schedule update UHF Power amps. Walkie-talkie for data transfer Re: Help w\'RF Design' Magazine article 1/88 issue
940131.TXT 8,032 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #131 Philips "Dream Machine" 8XC750 design contest professional radio communications VHF to UHF - Best design ? What are these chips?
940132.TXT 13,379 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #132 ?? Need help with an external short wave radio antenna ?? ?? Need help with an external short wave radio antenna ?? HELP! - Sharp PC-6200 lcd & docs Jackson tube tester Man named Loomis invented radio? Somebody named Loomis invented radio? MOSFET Power Amp Schematics/Info ??? post QRP-Digest here? Ten-Tec 1208 transverter kit - schedule update Walkie-talkie for data transfer Want:24 GHz Gunnplexer
940133.TXT 7,085 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #133 Drake MN2000 to 160 meters-- Anyone done it? Man named Loomis invented radio? Man named Loomis invented radio? Thanks for Ten-Tec Info Where can I obtain Millen high voltage connectors?
940134.TXT 9,583 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #134 Digital Delay Circuit Ideas? Philips "Dream Machine" 8XC750 design contest Philips "Dream Machine" 8XC750 design contest Repeater linking, what radios? Where can I obtain Millen high voltage connectors? Re: Philips "Dream Machine" 8XC750 design contest
940135.TXT 14,877 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #135 40m Transmitter or VFO project??- any suggestions? Cobra CB Radio MOD HELP! Need 'advice' on transmitter construction. HELP! Need 'advice' on transmitter construction. HELP! Need 'advice' on transmitter construction. Man named Loomis invented radio? Repeater linking, what radios? What I need..and I am looking for.. Where can I obtain Millen high voltage connectors? Re: Philips "Dream Machine" 8XC750 design contest Re: Philips "Dream Machine" 8XC750 design contest
940136.TXT 16,876 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #136 Amidon Cores Amidon Cores HELP! Need 'advice' on transmitter construction. Man named Loomis invented radio? Philips "Dream Machine" 8XC750 design contest Propagation E-Sporadic Repeater linking, what radios? Repeater linking, what radios? Reply to Allen Hall Re: Man named Loomis invented radio? Re: Philips "Dream Machine" 8XC750 design contest
940137.TXT 9,765 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #137 Amidon Cores Amidon Cores Digital Delay Circuit Ideas? HELP! Need 'advice' on transmitter construction. HELP! Need 'advice' on transmitter construction. Propagation E-Sporadic What are these chips? What are these chips?
940138.TXT 13,755 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #138 dir /new FCC licensing delays FCC licensing delays HELP! Need 'advice' on transmitter construction. HELP! Need 'advice' on transmitter construction. R-23A/ARC5 Receiver Conversion Repeater linking, wha
940139.TXT 17,022 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #139 dir /new dir /new Drake MN2000 to 160 meters-- Anyone done it? Man named Loomis invented radio? Modification of walkie talkies.. Modification of walkie talkies.. Need help on inductor winding Propagation E-Sporadic Proper way to bias a tunnel diode? Proper way to bias a tunnel diode? Q: Plans for TNC? Transmitting Tube Cooling TV Xtal? filters
940140.TXT 18,069 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #140 FCC licensing delays Is there a cheap A/D package with serial ASCII output? Is there a cheap A/D package with serial ASCII output? Is there a cheap A/D package with serial ASCII output? Is there a cheap A/D package with serial ASCII output? Is there a cheap A/D package with serial ASCII output? Proper way to bias a tunnel diode? Ramsey 2m Amp Skinny Dip Transmitting Tube Cooling Transmitting Tube Cooling Transmitting Tube Cooling Transmitting Tube Cooling Transmitting Tube Cooling
940142.TXT 13,343 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #142 Converting an old HT-220 to 2M Converting an old HT-220 to 2M Help needed for external 22AT power How can I reduce RFI from flourescent lights? How can I reduce RFI from flourescent lights? pcb laser printer iron method SSB Filters SSB Filters Transmitting Tube Cooling
940143.TXT 14,881 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #143 How can I reduce RFI from flourescent lights? Is there a cheap A/D package with serial ASCII output? Modification of walkie talkies.. Need help on inductor winding Proper way to bias a tunnel diode? rec.radio.amateur.homebrew TV Xtal? filters
940144.TXT 4,892 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #144 Heathkit Model HW-7 Is there a cheap A/D package with serial ASCII output? SSB Filters IC-Master 1994 ( Re: What are these chips?)
940145.TXT 6,363 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #145 Need help on inductor Need help on inductor winding SSB Filters Re: SSB Filters
940146.TXT 13,793 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #146 Cheap 6M FM? Drake MN2000 to 160 meters-- Anyone done it? need homebrew "recipes" Techno Whizzy DDS Update on Hi-Pwr Solid-State Linear Update on Hi-Pwr Solid-State Linear Wanted : quartz oscillators source WANTED:reflector
940148.TXT 15,332 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #148 Getting a VFO on-frequency (W1FB Design NB p. 111) Getting a VFO on-frequency (W1FB Design NB p. 111) Getting a VFO on-frequency (W1FB Design NB p. 111) Phase noise floor of Motorola CMOS PLL dividers QRP mailing list? QRP mailing list? QRP mailing list? You can leave it blank Schematics for Luxor 1909530, Magnum Microwave c24-3 simple SSB receiving methods simple SSB receiving methods Techno Whizzy DDS Re: Techno Whizzy DDS
940149.TXT 19,145 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #149 Cheap 6M FM? Getting a VFO on-frequency (W1FB Design NB p. 111) Getting a VFO on-frequency (W1FB Design NB p. 111) Help needed for external 22AT power Looking for GE UHF MVP radios (407-420MHz or 450-470MHz) Repeater linking, what radios? Transmitting Tube Cooling, Summary Transmitting Tube Cooling, Summary unsubscribe VCO schematic 430MHz what is Techno Whizzy DDS? what is Techno Whizzy DDS? Re: QRP mailing list? Re: Techno Whizzy DDS Re: Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #129
940150.TXT 22,652 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #150 Best freq for 6M AM simplex? Best freq for 6M AM simplex? Best freq for 6M AM simplex? CALL FOR VOTES - sci.electronics.cad, sci.electronics.repair Cheap 6M FM? Getting a VFO on-frequency Getting a VFO on-frequency Getting a VFO on-frequency MUX DISPLAY Narrowband Network Analyser Periodic Announcement - ARRL Email Information Server (info@arrl.org) Schematic for WEFAX? SSB Filters
940151.TXT 11,450 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #151 Any suggestions how to test audio tubes? Any suggestions how to test audio tubes? CALL FOR VOTES - sci.electronics.cad, sci.electronics.repair Cheap 6M FM? NEED HEATHKIT DOCUMENTATION !! (power amp) please readme -> Need Help on AGC Automatic Gain Control Vester SSTV Board What's the DAC for? Re: QRP mailing list?
940153.TXT 14,365 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #153 40 meter cw qrp rig and 65 watt computer power supply for sale 900mhz transciever Converting the Radio Shack 5ch 49MHz ht to 6m LowFER: VLF Activities & VLF Transcivers ??? PCB via Laserjet What's the DAC for? Re: SSB Filters
940155.TXT 7,044 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #155 900mhz transciever CORRECTION! RS 49MHz to 6m PCB via Laserjet What's the DAC for?
940156.TXT 17,392 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #156 900mhz transciever CORRECTION! RS 49MHz to 6m CORRECTION! RS 49MHz to 6m Help indentify 2SC2694 Optoisolators Used to key radio. RADIO-TO-TELEPHONE INTERCONNECT CIRCUIT? Ten-Tec Direct conversion kit -- getting on frequency What's the DAC for? What's the DAC for? What's the DAC for?
940157.TXT 4,562 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #157 ** FLEA at MIT ** Sunday 19 June Cambridge MA PCB layout software for Mac? VHF/UHF amp projects
940158.TXT 14,478 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #158 cb antenna Make a simple scanner? PCB layout software for Mac? PCB layout software for Mac? PCB layout software for PC Transmitting Tube Cooling, Summary VHF/UHF amp projects VHF/UHF amp projects Wide Range Freq. Descriminator circuit wanted Wide Range Freq. Descriminator circuit wanted
940159.TXT 14,093 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #159 Help indentify 2SC2694 PCB layout software for Mac? too. Any comments are very welcome! PCB layout software for PC PCB layout software for PC Super Sensitive FSM Circuit wanted Super Sensitive FSM Circuit wanted Super Sensitive FSM Circuit wanted Wide Range Freq. Descriminator circuit wanted Wide Range Freq. Descriminator circuit wanted
940160.TXT 8,089 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #160 Beware of RADIOKIT kits (IMHO) Beware of RADIOKIT kits (IMHO) Beware of RADIOKIT kits (IMHO) Just a test Kits Kits Make a simple scanner? midnight engineering Painting a 1.2GHz Antenna
940161.TXT 17,415 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #161 Help with Antenna Rotator Help with Antenna Rotator HP8052-3081 PIN diodes HY-GAIN INSTRUCTION/OPERATORS MANUALS up for grabs ic02e Instrumentation coaxial relays? Kits Kits Kits Lowfer (1750) plans requested..... midnight engineering midnight engineering Painting a 1.2GHZ Antenna Painting a 1.2GHz Antenna Painting a 1.2GHz Antenna Thanks: 6M AM HT freqs
940162.TXT 18,890 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #162 (none) 40 Meter QRP CW transciever and 65 W computer power supply for sale Beware of RADIOKIT kits (IMHO) Boonton VHF Q meter help HP8052-3081 PIN diodes Ideas for 100Hz-100KHz HV xfmr? Instrumentation coaxial relays? Kits Kits Lowfer (1750) plans requested..... midnight engineering Old semiconductors Old semiconductors Packet modem ? Painting a 1.2GHz Antenna Painting a 1.2GHz Antenna Service Manual for a Tek 465M Re: Beware of RADIOKIT kits (IMHO)
940164.TXT 13,357 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #164 "Renewal" reusable alkaline batteries Animal tracking Animal tracking Animal Tracking Beware of RADIOKIT kits (IMHO) HP8052-3081 PIN diodes Midnight Engineering address Plans for packet modem Question : Possible to make a scanner ?? Railroad track as an antenna? SHortwave radio guide book Shortwave radio guide book HELP!!! Shortwave radio guide book HELP!!!
940165.TXT 9,585 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #165 "Renewal" reusable alkaline batteries ATV transmitter plans? ATV transmitter plans? Conversion of Maxon 49-f5 to 6 meters ?? Conversion of Maxon 49-f5 to 6 meters ?? PIN Diodes Question : Possible to make a scanner ?? Ten Tec Kit 2mtr synthesized txcvr
940166.TXT 18,834 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #166 "Renewal" reusable alkaline batteries "Renewal" reusable alkaline batteries "Renewal" reusable alkaline batteries Animal tracking Animal tracking Ceramic Filter IN/OUT Impedance DC to DC High-voltage Modules Help Kits PCB VIA LASERJET SBL-1 mixer: max DC current allowed SBL-1 mixer: max DC current allowed SBL-1 mixer: max DC current allowed Source for PC board material
940167.TXT 17,181 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #167 49MHz walkie talkies legal to use for other bands? 49MHz walkie talkies legal to use for other bands? 49MHz walkie talkies legal to use for other bands? ATV transmitter plans? Ceramic Filter IN/OUT Impedance Ceramic Filter IN/OUT Impedance Kits midnight engineering Txer circuits needed Txer circuits needed UHF diode? up-conversion Wefax on R-7000 Wefax on R-7000
940168.TXT 10,419 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #168 49MHz walkie talkies legal to use for other bands? 49MHz walkie talkies legal to use for other bands? 49MHz walkie talkies legal to use for other bands? cheap cases wanted cheap cases wanted Help with RC4739 op amp L.O FOR 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 GHZ Scanner docs needed Source for PC board material
940170.TXT 15,792 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #170 4-1000 Homebrew Amp 4-1000 Homebrew Amp ANIMAL TRACKING Cavities FM TX modules desired G-10 CIRCUIT BOARD? Ham/Macintosh BBS IMPATT Diodes L.O FOR 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 GHZ Laser or microwave digital communication PCB layout software for PC PLANS FOR PACKET MODEM Relays Square transmission lines up-conversion
940171.TXT 5,863 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #171 Cavities Connecting frequency counter help needed Connecting frequency counter help needed G-10 CIRCUIT BOARD? Mica HV Capacitors
940172.TXT 11,708 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #172 JDR Microdevices L.O FOR 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 GHZ new HAMCOM interface with optical isolation
940173.TXT 7,546 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #173 JDR Microdevices JDR Microdevices JDR Microdevices JDR Microdevices L.O FOR 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 GHZ need info on Helical filter design Newcomer to Radio looking for advice
940174.TXT 5,189 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #174 49MHz walkie talkies lega Connecting frequency coun need info on Helical filter design PADS and single-point grounds
940176.TXT 8,638 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #176 Adhesive for lawn mower resistor GPS group purchase shutdown need info on Helical filter design PADS and single-point grounds Realistic (RS) scanner mods
940177.TXT 7,534 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #177 Ham/Macintosh BBS HP 5360 "interpolator" info wanted need info on Helical filter design need info on Helical filters design PADS and single-point grounds PADS and single-point grounds PADS and single-point grounds Project Idea!
940178.TXT 15,167 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #178 20th Eastern VHF/UHF Conference 20th Eastern VHF/UHF Conference call for papers AUTHOR INFORMATION FOR THE PROCEEDINGS of the Anyone Built a 16 bit PC IO port ? CW Timing CW Timings CW Timings FT caps needed FT caps needed Inductance of toroids? Jennings Radio capacitor information Low-Band RF Amplifier Project Idea!
940179.TXT 11,374 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #179 1993 IC Master $75 postpaid (USA only). General electronics newsgroup? General electronics newsgroup? General electronics newsgroup? How make simple FM (88-108MHz) receiver? How make simple FM (88-108MHz) receiver? Inductance of toroids? Inductance of toroids? Project Idea! Where might I find..
940180.TXT 4,395 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #180 AM Transmitter BAYCOM packet modem + Lost mail file... Repeaters
940181.TXT 7,918 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #181 AM Transmitter AM Transmitter CW Timings Help determining cap values Help determining cap values RF PROBE FOR 800/900MHZ
940182.TXT 7,724 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #182 AM Transmitter Periodic Announcement - ARRL Email Information Server (info@arrl.org)
940183.TXT 5,579 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #183 Baycom schematics wanted, NOT postscript NEED bare-bones FM transmitter plans Want Terman book
940184.TXT 11,162 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #184 1/4-wave coax filters ? Camcorder viewer needed. ex General electronics newsgroup? microwave mixer details microwave mixer details RF Feedback in Mic while talking and touching mic. Want Terman book
940185.TXT 14,790 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #185 ACS (Al's Circuit Simulator) version 0.14 is available Adding VOX to an HT mic. AM Transmitter Converting Tempo/Yaesu hf to 6m, Possible? Decoding time data from WWVB RF Feedback in Mic while talking and touching mic. Satellite fax to HF fax converter Timewave DSP Voice IDer Re: AM Transmitter
940186.TXT 19,208 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #186 (none) 403 MHz downconverter Camcorder viewer needed. Frequency conversion - non-linear mode Frequency conversion - non-linear mode GPC algorithm Looking for coax relay Low-Band RF Amplifier need schematic/source for KENWD IF-10B Old Parts RF Feedback in Mic while talking and touching mic. Satellite fax to HF fax converter Satellite fax to HF fax converter Tempo 2002 - HELP! Vacuum Tubes Voice IDer Re: AM Transmitter
940188.TXT 5,139 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #188 403 MHz downconverter Camcorder viewer needed. subscribe Vacuum Tubes Which VHF/UHF RSBG book is the one I want?
940189.TXT 4,914 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #189 Adhesive for lawn mower resistor CB sets to 10 meters and 6 meters CB sets to 10 meters and 6 meters
940190.TXT 7,661 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #190 ** FLEA at MIT ** Sunday July 19 Cambridge MA CB sets to 10 meters and 6 meters Mag's and LCD displays Modem chips RSGB BOOK Wanted: May 94 issue of Popular Electronics
940191.TXT 16,817 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #191 Air system sockets better? CW Timings FSK VCXO Circuits International Instruments/Sigma instruments Old Parts PMP Poor Man's Packet? QST DDS article RDF kit order lost RF & IF tank alignment hints RSGB BOOK RSGB BOOK Single 813 amp? SUMMARY DSP algorithms Wanted: Popular Electronics article from May 94 issue Re: Frequency conversion - non-linear mode Re: Frequency conversion - non-linear mode
940192.TXT 16,169 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #192 'Who was that masked capacitor?' 'Who was that masked capacitor?' 'Who was that masked capacitor?' 'Who was that masked capacitor?' Beware of RADIOKIT kits (IMHO) Beware of RADIOKIT kits (IMHO) DISTRIBUTED CAPACITANCE Frequency conversion - non-linear mode Help-Remote Control circuits RDF kit order lost RDF kit order lost SELL/Filter Capacitor for BIG Linear applications Source for Crystal filters? Re: Frequency conversion - non-linear mode
940193.TXT 7,506 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #193 'Who was that masked capacitor?' Avatar Magnetics belly up? Crowbar ciruit needed HELP with air variable cap connections Plessey SL6440 mixer source Poor Man's Packet?
940195.TXT 1,471 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #195 Wanted: Popular Electronics article from May 94 issue
940197.TXT 11,208 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #197 'Who was that masked capacitor?' FOLLOWUP/RETRACTION: Electronic Chemical Blues INFO. ON ANTIQUE ? LF Band experience? type-C RF connectors
940198.TXT 5,495 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #198 AM/FM Fax converter for use w\HamComm interface & JVFAX (long!) IC Mixers with good Dynamic Range??? RS trimmer caps Re: RSGB BOOK
940201.TXT 24,785 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #201 a High Dymnic range Mixer a High Dymnic range Mixer Dummy Load Oil Dummy Load Oil Dummy Load Oil J-Pole Antenna JOHANSON TRIMMERS? Kenwood TR2500 mods QRP Mail List (was: Building an HW-9: HALP!) reply to N6MHG reply to several Rolling my own Transformer (LONG) Re: RSGB BOOK
940202.TXT 11,065 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #202 Dummy Load Oil ISD2590 chip - where to get one Re Johanson caps reply to noise temp to NF conversion Rolling my own Transformer Rolling my own Transformer VHF/UHF Coax switches Re: RSGB BOOK
940204.TXT 7,092 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #204 a High Dymnic range Mixer LF regs? LF regs? VHF SWR meter
940205.TXT 18,999 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #205 Building a house: Special Considerations? Building a house: Special Considerations? Does anyone have info on QEX? Does anyone have info on QEX? Dummy Load Oil Dummy Load Oil? Kenwood TS-50 to serial LF Band experience? LF regs? LF regs? Need info from late 60s/early 70s handbook or whole book Re: RSGB BOOK Transformer Oil and P.C.B.'s
940206.TXT 23,545 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #206 Building a house: Special Consideration Building a house: Special Considerations? Building a house: Special Considerations? Does anyone have info on QEX? HELP ME MOD A 2m FM AMP FOR SSB LF Band experience? Reply to FFT Question RF Feedback in Mic while talking and touching mic. Two-meter satellite CW transmiter VHF SWR meter Re: LF regs? Re: RSGB BOOK
940209.TXT 6,982 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #209 Building a house: Special Considerations? HELP-getting sticky velcro tape to stick? Network Analyzer RF ? Two-meter satellite CW transmiter Two-meter satellite CW transmiter Re: Building a house: Special Considerations?
940210.TXT 12,067 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #210 Building a house: Special Considerations? Does anyone have info on QEX? Does anyone have info on QEX? FM amp to operate on SSB FM amp to operate on SSB VHF/UHF Coax switches Re: RF Feedback in Mic while talking and touching mic. Re: Building a house: Special Considerations? Re: Building a house: Special Considerations?
940211.TXT 19,703 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #211 (none) 144MHz X-mitter Cold-switch relay voltage ratings Electronic Chemical Blues How do you make an (old fashioned, real) radio? Reply to thread about building a house Reply to thread about building a house Telemetry frequencies What is this HP Thinkjet IC ? What is this HP Thinkjet IC ? What is this HP Thinkjet IC ? Re: VHF/UHF Coax switches (Whaddabout Diodes?) Re: Does anyone have info on QEX?
940213.TXT 13,179 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #213 1750 meter band HISTORY OF 50 OHM COAX HISTORY OF 50 OHM COAX MGF1200 Super CMOS keyer 2, Source code? What is this HP Thinkjet IC ?
940214.TXT 21,454 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #214 144MHz X-mitter 1750 meter band Cyprus (IC Designs) PLL chip, no extern Cyprus (IC Designs) PLL chip, no external analog stuff, programmable Does anyone have info on QEX? DSP for the HOMEBREWER?? Heath SB-620 as a spectrum analyzer? HELP-getting sticky velcro tape to stick? PMP to BAYCOM Packet modem conversion Telemetry frequencies Re: VHF/UHF Coax switches (Whaddabout Diodes?) Re: Does anyone have info on QEX? Re: Does anyone have info on QEX?
940215.TXT 7,096 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #215 Cb --> 10m anyone help? HISTORY OF 50 OHM COAX IC chip help Reply to thread about building a house RFI from Heath "Big Ben" Chime Clock
940216.TXT 17,241 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #216 Cb --> 10m anyone he Cb --> 10m anyone he Crystal Regenerative Receiver? IR tv remote via computer serial port? Mica HV Capacitors Mixer Noise figure Question Mixer Noise figure Question Mixer Noise figure Question Model rocket telemetry.. RFI from Heath "Big Ben" Chime Clock What is this HP Thinkjet IC ? What is this HP Thinkjet IC ? Re: Does anyone have info on QEX?
940217.TXT 8,401 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #217 Cb --> 10m anyone he Crystal Regenerative Receiver? Mixer Noise figure Question Model rocket telemetry.. What is this HPThinkjet IC?
940218.TXT 16,992 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #218 2m mobil amplifier 2m mobil amplifier 2m mobile amplifier Coaxial Relay Sale Cold-switch relay voltage ratings Does anyone have info on QEX? IC's Info on old oscilloscopes Model rocket telemetry.. New RF bridges Telemetry frequencies Re: Reply to thread about building a house Re: HISTORY OF 50 OHM COAX
940221.TXT 4,888 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #221 Plastic vs. Metal Transistors Plastic vs. Metal Transistors Source for Crystals
940224.TXT 19,030 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #224 2m mobil amplifier 6m amplifier using vacuum tubes Does anyone have info on QEX? Does anyone have info on QEX? Ferrite cores and beads Multiplexed microwave links Multiplexed microwave links My el-cheapo VHF swr meter Need info on a RX-only ant tuner... Source for Crystals Tube 6 m Amp want plans for"interface for cw with PC" want plans for"interface for cw with PC" Re: Does anyone have info on QEX?
940225.TXT 16,198 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #225 2m mobil amplifier Ferrite cores and beads Ferrite cores and beads homebrew GPS radio front end Plastic vs. Metal Transistors Source for transistors Tube Receiver IF oscillates, Help Tubes for sale Xtal application (series/parallel) Xtal application (series/parallel) Xtal application (series/parallel)
940226.TXT 6,606 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #226 2m mobil amplifier Does anyone have info on QEX? HF preamp circuit NEEDED How does one make a good, CHEAP, antenna for 2m/70cm??? NEC simulation software Tube Receiver IF oscillates, Help
940227.TXT 9,335 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #227 3 coax relays for sale HF preamp circuit NEEDED How do you make an (old fashioned, real) radio? Multiplexed microwave links
940228.TXT 13,848 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #228 another net.success (WAS: xtal application) Does anyone have info on QEX? E mail address for M. Lee Murrah WD5CID Ferrite cores and beads Ferrite cores and beads Freq standard from TV Colorburst subcarrier Home brew HF transceiver How does one make a good, CHEAP, antenna for 2m/70cm??? New Life For Old FM Rigs Phase shifters Re: Handbook
940229.TXT 18,775 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #229 cell sites Cyprus (ic Designs) Pll Chip, No External DSP for the HomeBrewer?? (part2) Freq standard from TV Colorburst subcarrier Handbook Handbook Handheld and Saltwater... Handheld and Saltwater... HF preamp circuit - CORRECTION Need some help with the design of an Operational Amplifier Need TCM3105 ic New Life For Old FM Rigs New Life For Old FM Rigs Ocean State Electronics Re: NEC simulation software
940231.TXT 19,784 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #231 AGC: Audio vs. IF derived cell sites Ferrite cores and beads Freq standard from TV Colorburst subcar Freq standard from TV Colorburst subcarrier Freq standard from TV Colorburst subcarrier Freq standard from TV Colorburst subcarrier IC-751A HF Transceiver New Life For Old FM Rigs Radio signalling under water? SWR calculation needed.... Re: Multiplexed microwave links Re: NEC simulation software
940232.TXT 20,222 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #232 6 Meter Antenna Ideas Wanted DSP for the HomeBrewer?? (part2) Freq standard from TV Colorburst subcarrier Handheld and Saltwater... HELP: Son needs advice on IR detector Homebrew Global Positioning System (GPS) Need low thermal coefficient resistors Plastic vs. Metal Transistors Question about power supply for HTX-202. RCI 2950 AND ITS CW NOTE? regenerative sets and selectivity regenerative sets and selectivity regenerative sets and selectivity SWR calculation needed.... Re: NEC simulation software
940234.TXT 6,259 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #234 Radio signalling under water? SWR calculation needed.... TNC construction article VHF SWR/Watt meter
940237.TXT 11,253 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #237 6m amplifier using vacuum tubes HTX-202 MOD ER2 HV BAT Need TCM3105 ic Need wide-range VCO circuit for cheap receiver project toroids Tube Receiver IF oscillates, Help tubes for sale Vacuum Tubes Re: Homebrew Global Positioning System (GPS) Re: DSP for the HomeBrewer?? (part2)
940239.TXT 2,800 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #239 Marconi Need wide-range VCO circuit for cheap receiver project
940241.TXT 5,470 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #241 Current Capacity? HELP: Providing power by induction?? Please a beginner! Re: IC-751A HF Transceiver
940243.TXT 14,409 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #243 Active Filters ATTN PAUL COOPER RE: TERMAN's Current Capacity? Current Capacity? HELP: Providing power by induction?? Need TCM3105 ic TNC construction article TNC construction article Where can I find RG-302 & RG-303 ? Re: Active Filters (was Re: toroids)
940244.TXT 18,219 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #244 2N6844 & 2N8844 4-1000 Homebrew Amp 50 watt amp for six meter(schems). 50 watt amp for six meter(schems). Answer to 88mH toroid availability Current Capacity DSP on a SoundBlaster e-mail address in text of messages Motorola RF Data Handbooks Silver Eagle Wiring Diagram TNC project VFO drift questions WANTED: Source for Signetics NE604 or SA604 IF/FM detector chip WANTED: Two 6L6G vacuum tubes Re: Homebrew Global Positioning System (GPS)
940245.TXT 16,205 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #245 50 watt amp for six meter(schems). 6m amplifier using vacuum tubes cell sites Circuit suggestions for a 6L6 metal cased valve Circuit suggestions for a 6L6 metal cased valve DSP filters Reed Relays for RF WANTED: Source for Signetics NE604 or SA604 IF/FM detector chip Re: 50 watt amp for six meter(schems). Re: 50 watt amp for six meter(schems). Re: regenerative sets and selectivity
940246.TXT 16,172 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #246 Current Capacity? DME (Dog Measuring Equipment) HELP: Providing power by induction?? help with crystal set? How to resolder filament pin on 3-1000Z? need 16 to 18 vac xformer toroids VFO drift questions Where to buy kits? Re: HELP: Providing power by induction?? Re: XYL Reactions (snicker- Kodak moment) (was Re: IC-751A HF Transceiver) Re: 6m amplifier using vacuum tubes
940247.TXT 3,581 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #247 Early Polaroid Palette, model 72-20 Where to buy kits?
940248.TXT 18,780 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #248 Band trap filter designs wanted! building questions DME (Dog Measuring Equipment) help with crystal set? Portable EME Station -- Questions Subject: Reed Relays for RF WANTED: Source for Signetics NE604 or SA604 IF/FM detector chip Re: XYL Reactions (snicker- Kodak moment) (was Re: IC-751A HF Transceiver)
940250.TXT 8,376 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #250 2M to FM bcst band converter AM Antenna question DME (Dog Measuring Equipment) DME (Dog Measuring Equipment) help with crystal set?
940252.TXT 5,067 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #252 PC Board design Software ss delay relay ? Re: regenerative sets and selectivity Re: regenerative sets and selectivity
940253.TXT 18,320 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #253 2M to FM bcast band converter 2 M to FM Broadcast Reply 4-1000 Homebrew Amp 40m ANT Flavor radio SW? FM transmitter handicnt.zip - Optoelectronic 3000A & M1 handicounter reviews Help designing Capacitor Impedance Match Network mlhacker.zip - Zenith Minisport docs, hints, hacks & goodies Question from a newbie regenerative sets and selectivity Where to buy kits? Re: regenerative sets and selectivity Re: WANTED: Source for Signetics NE604 or SA604 IF/FM detector chip
940256.TXT 9,755 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #256 2M to FM broadcast converter AM Antenna question Current FT-470 Mods List??? Dipoles & 50 ohm coax Dipoles & 50 ohm coax homebrew GPS radio front end Plessey SL6440 mixer source regenerative sets and selectivity Wanted, PC board layout program
940257.TXT 12,192 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #257 440Mhz 50 ohm - 70 oh Dipoles & 50 ohm coax FM transmitter FM transmitter Homebrew Global Positioning System (GPS) HP8052-3081 PIN diodes MOTOROLA Expo DPL code plug information needed Phase-locked Xtal Oscilla Phase-locked Xtal Oscilla Q:How to build valve amps. TNC emulation code.
940258.TXT 13,135 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #258 10M - 20M TRANSVERTER? 6m amplifier using vacuum tubes Books on RDF antennas, gear... Books on RDF antennas, gear... FM transmitter FSTV: Modifying a Gemini RABBIT for amateur service? FSTV: Modifying a Gemini RABBIT for amateur service? TNC-2 Source Re: regenerative sets and selectivity Re: regenerative sets and selectivity
940259.TXT 20,182 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #259 FFTMORSE (was: DSP on a SoundBlaster) FSTV: Modifying a Gemini RABBIT for amateur service? Help for Equivalent Heath SB104A Part More on Receivers that Radiate Portable EME Station -- Questions regenerative sets and selectivity Re: regenerative sets and selectivity Re: FFTMORSE (was: DSP on a SoundBlaster) Re: regenerative sets and selectivity
940260.TXT 15,520 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #260 2M Amp ('73 440Mhz 50 ohm - 70 ohm transformer 6m amplifier using vacuum tubes addr request FSTV Modifying a Gemini RABBIT for amateur service? Portable EME Station -- Questions Troubleshooting an audio amp - what next ? WANTED: Thordarson Xfmrs wanted c source for icom's serial interface Re: FFTMORSE (was: DSP on a SoundBlaster) Re: Portable EME Station -- Questions
940262.TXT 14,941 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #262 Circuit Bd Software for Macs Design of Helical Resonator Filter for VHF? More on Receivers that Radiate Pocket SW Receiver Design Pocket SW Receiver Design Zenon strobe-light circuit Re: regenerative sets and selectivity
940263.TXT 18,613 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #263 1750 meter station list??? CB to 6M conversions??? EME amp FSTV Modifying a Gemini RABBIT for amateur service? Manual for Dentron MLX-MINI 20M Miller coil form; HEP-2 xsistor Pocket SW Receiver Design Pocket SW Receiver Design Ramsey 10 Meter FM Receiver Kit Help Ramsey 2m Amplifier Brick kit Unitrode 1N5767 PIN diode + TR switch design Unitrode 1N5767 PIN diode + TR switch design Re: ad-Hoc transmitters (was: Re: regenerative sets and selectivity) Re: Portable EME Station -- Questions
940264.TXT 15,839 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #264 10 meter amp? 10 meter amp? Circuit Bd Software for Macs Circuit Bd Software for Macs Design of Helical Resonator Filter for VHF? Design of Helical Resonator Filter for VHF? Design of Helical Resonator Filter for VHF? GMSR radio to 70cm? More on Receivers that Radiate WTD: Xtal oscillator for 6M AM rigs
940265.TXT 11,391 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #265 10 meter amp? Amplifier with GS35 Triode MIC Cable source??? More on Receivers that Radiate Pocket SW Receiver Design RFI Free PC Computer Cabinet? RFI Free PC Computer Cabinet? TS-450S CB Operating Unitrode 1N5767 PIN diode + TR switch design WANTED:radio plans Re: Portable EME Station -- Questions Re: DSP on a SoundBlaster (was: FFTMORSE)
940266.TXT 12,678 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #266 Circuit Bd Software for Macs Circuit Bd Software for Macs Circuit Bd Software for Macs MIC Cable source??? Phase Locked Loops QRP SSB Project Ramsey 2m Amplifier Brick kit Re: Circuit Bd Software for Macs
940267.TXT 8,634 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #267 CB to 6M conversions??? Heeeeeeeeeeeelp! Lost Address- Mica Caps More on Receivers that Radiate More on Receivers that Radiate need 100 MHz TTL clock Need Mic Wiring for Alinco DJ-560 Ramsey 10 Meter FM Receiver Kit Help Stainless Steel Hardware 18-8 vs 316 Stainless Steel Hardware 18-8 vs 316
940272.TXT 11,823 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #272 100MHz TTL Clock [Q] Suggestions for remo CD40175 source ? CD40175 source ? CW keys for portable operation EME amp Freq. Counter Problem RE 100 MHz TTL Clock SWR meter suggestions?
940273.TXT 9,891 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #273 100 MHz TTL Clock 87C750 information available A call for documents... Circuit Board Specialists of Pueblo, CO? Difference between 3SK73GR and 3SK73Y Homemade antenna tap for instruments? Old BiPolar High Voltage Xstr? xtal filters xtal filters
940274.TXT 19,669 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #274 10 Meter Beacons [Q] Suggestions for remote powerdown? CW keys for portable operation CW keys for portable operation CW keys for portable operation Difference between 3SK73GR and 3SK73Y Dipoles & 50 ohm coax Enclosures For Xmitters & Amps How to Breadboard MAKE.MONEY.FAST Milliwatt Reprints Soon More on Receivers that Radiate PC Keyboards output??? Rebuilding a satellite receiver SWR meter suggestions? Wanted: RF Transistor 2SC1947 Re: DSP on a SoundBlaster (was: FFTMORSE)
940275.TXT 11,072 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #275 AR-2500 Dipoles & 50 ohm coax HP & Marconi microwave power meters IF YOU WERE THINKING ABOUT MAKE.MONEY.FAST Osc. for 2M remote base, HELP Osc. for 2M remote base, HELP xtal filters
940276.TXT 6,775 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #276 1200 and 10000 MHz low-noise GaAsFET or GaAlAsFET Dipoles & 50 ohm coax Kenwood TR-2600 mods needed MAKE.MONEY.FAST Micor Compa-station for 6m? xtal filters xtal vs mechanical filter
940277.TXT 5,978 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #277 [Q] Suggestions for remote powerdown? Design Project, Help with parts. New walkmans have AM-Wide
940278.TXT 8,588 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #278 BASIC compiler info wanted. Homebrew Antennas ICOM 22S mod (repeater switch) MILLIWATT reprints soon Where to find (stable) fixed frequency oscillators? Where to find (stable) fixed frequency oscillators?
940279.TXT 8,820 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #279 Help communication ICOM IC260 Interface info ICOM IC260 Interface Info retry Overtone Crystal Filter QRP mailing address? Reuse surface mount parts? Where to find (stable) fixed frequency oscillators?
940280.TXT 9,770 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #280 Avantek MSA-0304 : Need Info! duplexer contruction for 2M ?? MILLIWATT reprints--taking orders Needing Info about YAGI. New walkmans have AM-Wide Overtone Crystal Filters QRP mailing address? Quads and baluns? Reuse surface mount parts?
940281.TXT 9,366 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #281 Hi Z Probe 50 mhz Freq Counter New walkmans have AM-Wide Overtone crytal filters Plans for 2m 50W solid state amp? Re: Reuse surface mount parts? Re: Reuse surface mount parts?
940282.TXT 2,928 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #282 duplexer contruction for 2M ?? New Walkmans have AM-Wide Overtone crytal filters
940283.TXT 13,005 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #283 2m/70cm 'plexer Homebrew Antennas Plans for 2M 50W solid state amp Please Recommend An Intro. Radio Book Please Recommend An Intro. Radio Book Quads and baluns? Re: Reuse surface mount parts? Re: 2m/70cm 'plexer ( DU and DI ) Re: Reuse surface mount parts?
940284.TXT 19,169 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #284 Hi Z Probe 50 mhz Freq Counter ICOM IC260 Interface Info Plans for 2M 50W solid state amp Plans for 2m 50W solid state amp? Pspice Quads and baluns? Reuse surface mount parts? send prospect.txt Re: Quads and baluns? Re: Reuse surface mount parts?
940285.TXT 11,154 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #285 High Voltage Screen Supply Plans for 2M 50W solid state amp Reuse surface mount parts? Where to find "micro" phone plug Re: Reuse surface mount parts? Re: Reuse surface mount parts?
940286.TXT 15,506 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #286 Can combine two 50MHz Tx signals? High Voltage Screen Supply Interdigital filters Interdigital filters Interdigital filters Need Help: measuring coil resistance Pspice Reuse surface mount parts? Reuse surface mount parts? Specs: "RCA 400 40341" "2N6485" WTB: a few NE561 pll chips Re: Reuse surface mount parts?
940289.TXT 4,920 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #289 (none) duplexer for 2M Need Help: measuring coil resistance Please Recommend An Intro. Radio Book Toroid on feedline absorbs power?
940290.TXT 24,866 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #290 More on RC model Transmitters More on RC model Transmitters/Legalities Toroid on feedline absorbs power? Toroid on feedline absorbs power? Torroid on feedline absorbs power? Torroid on feedline absorbs power? Yagi antenna anaysis program. Re: Interdigital filters Re: Interdigital filters
940291.TXT 11,661 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #291 Can combine two 50MHz Tx Help identifying some SMA devices and a circuit Please Recommend An Intro. Radio Book Silver solder for SMT? (Was: Reuse surface mount parts?) Wanted Heathkit SB401 manual WTB: a few NE561 pll chips Re: Torroid on feedline absorbs power?
940292.TXT 2,518 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #292 300 Am Transmitter For Sa Need Help: measuring coil resistance Need NE561 PLL chips
940293.TXT 4,544 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #293 Torroid on feedline absorbs power? Re: Torroid on feedline absorbs power?
940294.TXT 14,198 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #294 Can combine two 50MHz Tx Is there a cheap 1200 baud data link out there? More on NE561 replacement More on RC model Transmitters NA4G's "National Electrical Code for Hams" Need Help: measuring coil resistance Silver solder for SMT? WTB: UHF range ][ Syntor
940295.TXT 6,705 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #295 duplexer for 2M, the Favorite input circuit for freq. counter? Favorite input circuit for freq. counter? Homebrew Antennas Phase Noise Re: duplexer for 2M, the
940296.TXT 9,395 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #296 Building a good directional coupler for VHF/UHF? Building a good directional coupler for VHF/UHF? Favorite input circuit for freq. counter? Need 71488A for Atlas HF Siemens Mixer datasheet Silver solder for SMT? (Was: Reuse surface mount parts?)
940297.TXT 18,797 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #297 aprs505e.exe Cordless Phone Reciever? Dead Atlas transceiver Help ID'ing SDT components??? Homebrew Antennas for cordless phones Impedance calculator INDUCTANCE MEASURING Lead-Acid Charger Mic impedence converter NA4G presents: Batteries, Chargers, Charging Need INFO on HAL CRI-200 RTTY Interface QRP Mailing list QRP Mailing list Search for Homebrew SW Receiver Info Using Overtone Crystals For Filters
940298.TXT 5,196 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #298 Biasing tetrode tube - affects gain? can square wave oscil (4046) be used for vfo/bfo's ? Fractional turns on toroids? INDUCTANCE MEASURING
940299.TXT 2,785 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #299 can square wave oscil (4046) be used for vfo/bfo's ? Search for Homebrew SW Receiver Info
940300.TXT 23,085 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #300 can square wave oscil (4046) be used for vfo/bfo's ? cordless phone reciev cordless phone reciev does anyone have the phone number for heathkit? does anyone have the phone number for heathkit? does anyone know anything about the HM-2102 swr meter? FOR SALE : DEAD YAESU FT-747 (FOR PARTS?) Fractional turns on toroids? HELP!!! How to Record on a Digital Format "Unattended"? Help with Plotter INDUCTANCE MEASURING Lead-Acid Charger Lead-Acid Charger More on Using 49MHz for Data Need 71488A for Atlas HF Radar Gun (K-Band) Suggestions on Lemon Powered QRP rig Using a 74HC4046 be used for an LO in a receiver? Where can I mailorder parts on the Internet? Where can I mailorder parts on the Internet?
940301.TXT 11,536 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #301 heathkit phone numbers:POSTED Hummerland 600 receiver Hummerland SP 600 mod INDUCTANCE MEASURING Re Inductance measuring RF Switches Anyone? RF Switches Anyone? RF Switches Anyone? Suggestions on Lemon Powered QRP rig Suggestions on Lemon Powered QRP rig Using a 74HC4046 be used for an LO in a receiver? Wanted: High Voltage tubes Where can I mailorder parts on the Internet?
940302.TXT 8,722 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #302 coffee-can notch filters? help with 12v supply regulation How to design VCO? Lead-Acid Charger pin diode attenuators & AGC Suggestions on Lemon Powered QRP rig Tube/Valve Amp parts
940303.TXT 23,361 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #303 Address to MOUSER Amateur Radio Equipment balun construction balun construction Biasing tetrode tube - affects gain? coffee-can notch filters? help with 12v supply regulation How to design VCO? How to design VCO? Identifying toroids Identifying toroids INDUCTANCE MEASURING Kenwood TS680/140 Computer Interface Re lemon QSO] RF Switches Anyone? RF Switches Anyone? Search for Homebrew SW Receiver Info Suggestions on Lemon Powered QRP rig Suggestions on Lemon Powered QRP rig Where can I mailorder parts on the Internet?
940304.TXT 23,126 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #304 Address to MOUSER Biasing tetrode tube - affects gain? Cordless Phone Reciever? Fractional turns on toroids? Gerry 49MHZ monitor w/intercomm help with 12v supply regulation ICOM 751A Looking for MPF102 replacement MOUSER'S ADDRESSES AND PHONE#'S Need info on Filters pin diode attenuators & AGC pin diode attenuators & AGC RF Switches Anyone? Suggestions for my power distribution system?
940305.TXT 9,290 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #305 Looking for MPF102 replacement Looking for MPF102 replacement Q: VLF antenna design Screen Voltage Protection Circuit Re: Homebrew Antennas for cordless phones Re: Fractional turns on toroids? Use two (or more) cores...
940306.TXT 14,802 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #306 anyone know anything about hallicrafters Atlas 350XL needs CD3495 transistor. Help. Cordless Phone Reciever? Need info SFU455 filters Powre supply Q: VLF antenna design Q: VLF antenna design Range of cordless phones? Screen Voltage Protection Circuit Toyocom TQF-456C Roofing Filter? Understanding frequency Understanding frequency Re: Suggestions on Lemon Powered QRP rig
940307.TXT 20,911 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #307 High power QSK switching Looking for MPF102 replacement Microwave oven leakage? Q: VLF antenna design requesting opinion on handhelds Suggestions for my power distribution system? tuning circuit Understanding frequency Understanding frequency
940308.TXT 17,228 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #308 Getting on 2.4 Gigahertz Getting on 2.4 Gigahertz Looking for MPF102 replacement Microwave oven leakage? Ramsey 40 meter coverage??? Ramsey 40 meter coverage??? Range of cordless phones? Screen Voltage Protection Circuit tuning circuit VLF Antenna Design Omega (was: Re: Q: VLF antenna design)
940309.TXT 6,859 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #309 6 meter conversion FREE requesting opinion on handhelds RF Design magazine specs of Motorola (2N?)9038 and (2N?)8925 Re: Ramsey 40 meter coverage???
940310.TXT 10,365 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #310 low power fm short range xmitter Microwave oven leakage? Paralleling amplifiers Paralleling amplifiers Ten-Tec Kits AT LAST! The Little Razor Blade Radio VLF Antenna Design xmitting on 2.4 GHz with Microwave Oven? xmitting on 2.4 GHz with Microwave Oven?
940311.TXT 10,619 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #311 (none) Looking for MPF102 replacement Paralleling amplifiers Ten-Tec Kits AT LAST! The Little Razor Blade Radio UHF portable trans. & receiver xmitting on 2.4 GHz with Microwave Oven? xmitting on 2.4 GHz with Microwave Oven?
940312.TXT 5,235 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #312 a INDUCTANCE MEASURING Local Radio Jammer? MILLIWATT reprint status MILLWATT reprint status The Little Razor Blade Radio
940313.TXT 6,849 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #313 Decoding Digital Data FS:44' telescopic mast $45 Motorola transistor specs retried. Re: specs on Motorola transistors (again) Specs of Motorola 9038 & 8925 SWR between transmitter and amplifier Re: The Little Razor Blade Radio
940314.TXT 19,243 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #314 Farinon TR 2000 info Jamming an FM station Local Radio Jammer Looking for MPF102 replacement microwave oven transmitter! Paralleling amplifiers Paralleling amplifiers Q: Need help on simplified Receiver SWR between transmitter and amplifier SWR between transmitter and amplifier Where does the power go? xmitting on 2.4 GHz with Microwave Oven? xmitting on 2.4 GHz with Microwave Oven?
940317.TXT 3,508 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #317 go through Impedence matching? Impedence matching? Re: SWR between transmitter and amplifier
940318.TXT 18,041 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #318 Decoding Digital Data Decoding Digital Data Impedence matching? Local Radio Jammer? Looking for Motorola Pager Manual Missconcept on TX impedance! Missconcept on TX impedance! What jumper on u16 to allow field programming? Where does the power go? Part 2 Where does the power go? Part 2 Where does the power go? Part 2 Re: Q: Al heatsinks and black paint. Re: The Little Razor Blade Radio
940319.TXT 13,210 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #319 HELP !!! - Kenwood Trio PS-30 Pwr Supply Im-2-10Uh Inductor in 'resistor' package Source of ferrite cores Where does the power go? Part 2 Where does the power go? Part 2 Where does the power go? Part 3 Re: Paralleling amplifiers Re: Where does the power go? Re: Paralleling amplifiers Re: Q: Al heatsinks and black paint.
940320.TXT 2,838 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #320 broadcast radio mods Using video sender for ATV???
940321.TXT 21,859 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #321 CMOS Super Keyer 2 HELP: Duroid anybody have rogers' number? Millen Grid Dip Meter Need Variactor Diodes for Doubler Requesting tunnel diodes Siliconix DV28120V wanted Source of chip? Tek 1L5 crystal? THE LITTLE RAZOR BLADE RADIO (UPDATE) THE LITTLE RAZOR BLADE RADIO (UPDATE) Re: Where does the power go? Re: The Little Razor Blade Radio Re: THE LITTLE RAZOR BLADE RADIO (UPDATE)
940322.TXT 9,633 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #322 Collins S-line on 30 m.? Collins S-line on 30 m.? help! need in-amp filter formula help! need in-amp filter formula QRP transmittor circuit question Re: The Little Razor Blade Radio
940323.TXT 19,281 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #323 FM Crystal Set HELP: Duroid anybody have rogers' number? Help on ARK4 Local Radio Jammer? Need mail-order source for MC2831A chip Need phone# of crystal mfr's Program for desining low pass filters QRP transmittor circuit q VCR Tuner Module for Prog. Weather Recvr. Mods? Where does the power go? Re: THE LITTLE RAZOR BLADE RADIO (UPDATE) Re: Where does the power go? Re: Where does the power go? Part 2 Re: THE LITTLE RAZOR BLADE RADIO (UPDATE) Re: THE LITTLE RAZOR BLADE RADIO (UPDATE) Re: Where does the power go? Part 2
940324.TXT 15,164 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #324 40 - 70 MHz crystal filter design antenna tuner buying help. FM Crystal Set FM Crystal Set Interdigital Filters Interdigital Filters Intermod Help! Program for desining low pass filters Source of ferrite cores Where does the power go Re: THE LITTLE RAZOR BLADE RADIO (UPDATE) Re: Where does the power go? Re: THE LITTLE RAZOR BLADE RADIO (UPDATE)
940325.TXT 19,075 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #325 *** Q: WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE ON THE NET ? Communications Quarterly Communications Quarterly Communications Quarterly Help anyone please! HELP NEEDED PLEASE ANYONE! Local TV Jammer Need phone# of crystal mfr's PCB Board from laser print?? Quad Op Amp ?? VCO in Key Components of Mod RCVR Design (QST) Where does the power go? Re: Where does the power go? Part 2 Re: THE LITTLE RAZOR BLADE RADIO (UPDATE) Re: Q: Al heatsinks and black paint.
940326.TXT 24,463 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #326 Communications Quarterly FM Crystal Set Intermod Help! PCB Board from laser print?? PCB Board from laser print?? PCB Board from laser print?? Periodic Announcement - ARRL Email Information Server (info@arrl.org) Quad Op Amp ?? VCO in Key Components of Mod RCVR Design (QST) Video Id'er . need info. Where can I find a grid dip meter? Where can I find a grid dip meter? Where does the power go Re: THE LITTLE RAZOR BLADE RADIO (UPDATE) Re: THE LITTLE RAZOR BLADE RADIO (UPDATE)
940327.TXT 11,341 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #327 Communications Quarterly Hi-Z earphones Local TV Jammer Need Info.Memory Batt Backup PCB Board from laser print?? RF Switching without relays ? selecting IF Sherwood (Drake mods) still available? SW converter help? Where can I find a grid dip meter?
940329.TXT 9,708 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #329 300 Watt AM transmitter PCB Board from laser print?? PC BRDS XY RESIST INK? RF Switching without relays ? VCO in Key Components of Mod RCVR Design (QST) Re: THE LITTLE RAZOR BLADE RADIO (UPDATE)
940330.TXT 16,903 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #330 About the Digest version of this Butterworth: butter.c Colpitts Osc Design Info Filter programs. Help needed with older Kenwood HF model 9R59D Local TV Jamming Looking for schematic for Pulser MB200 Re: THE LITTLE RAZOR BLADE RADIO (UPDATE) Re: Where does the power go?
940331.TXT 23,008 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #331 300 Watt AM transmitter Chebychev: cheb.c Dentron digital display board HELP NEEDED PLEASE ANYONE! PCB Board from laser print?? PCB Board from laser print?? PCB from laser print? Q: TRX kit assembly - What should I know? Quad Op Amp ?? Vacuum Variable Mounting? Where can I find a grid dip meter? Where does the power go? Where does the power go? Re: Where does the power go
940332.TXT 2,901 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #332 Colpitts Osc Design Info HomeMade Radio Looking for Tower plans
940333.TXT 4,865 11-13-94 Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #333 Looking for Tower plans Measuring inductance using a.c. power line for 60h freq source Mini 9V Battery Transmitter - where? Non-linear Eq'n plotter WANTED THE LITTLE RAZOR BLAD